Who Owns the Internet

    Who is the Owner of the Internet

  The Internet is the largest publicly accessible worldwide network of networks.

  Some people think that Internet Service Provider (ISP) is the owner the Internet and some people think Google is the owner. There are this kind too many speculative things in some people's (specifically new users of the Internet) mind about the ownership of Internet.

   No one actually owns the Internet until now. 

   A single person or a organisation or a particular nation don't own the Internet, although it did start with the Federal Government of the United States
(U. S. Federal Government) directly funded project the ARPANET. Later the US Government turned over what it incubated to the private sector where it has flourished.

    So, Everyone owns the Internet, at least in their part.


    " Who owns the Internet? Until recently, nobody. That’s because, although the Internet was “Made in the U.S.A.,” its unique design transformed it into a resource for innovation that anyone in the world could use. Today, however,courts and corporations are attempting to wall off portions of cyberspace. In so doing, they are destroying the Internet’s potential to foster democracy and economic growth worldwide." - By Lawrence Lessig

   The Internet has revolutionised the computer and communications world like nothing before. It is a publicly accessible global network system that lets different computer networks communicate with each other using some standardised protocol. Without protocol, these computer networks wouldn't be able to communicate with each other.

 The Internet doesn't have a source, because it's a MEDIUM of communication. 

 E.g. Electric power, which has sources (generators) and destinations (consumers). Electric grid, which is just the medium that transmits electric power. Internet is like a grid, it carries information. But, in the Internet, there's a big difference from electricity, because everyone is potentially both a source and a destination. Anyone can send information, anyone can received information.
 That's why, the source of the information carried over the Internet is Everyone.

   So, basically... Internet is for Everyone, by Everyone.



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